Problem: First Missing Positive

Posted by Marcy on February 18, 2015


Given an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.

For example, Given [2,1,0] return 3, and [3,4,-1,1] return 2.

Your algorithm should run in O(n) time and uses constant space.


The basic idea is to place each element in the array to its corresponding index so that i=nums[i]-1 unless the element is not positive or greater than n. For example:

[2,1,0] could be converted to [1,2,0]. Note that 0 could be placed anywhere as it’s not positive. [3,4,-1,1] could be converted to [1,-1,3,4]. Note that -1 could be placed anywhere. [3,5,-1,1] could be converted to [1,-1,3,-1]. Note that -1 could be placed anywhere. 5 could not be placed in the array, so mark it to -1.

Then, the first number where nums[i]-1 != i will be the first missing element. So for the first case, the first missing number is 3. In the second case, the first missing number is 2.

The problem now becomes how to convert the array efficiently without extra space. We could draw on the swapping idea from The Missing Numbers. Traverse the array. For each nums[i], keep swapping nums[i] and nums[nums[i]-1] until nums[i]-1 == i or nums[i] is not positive or greater than n, . Here is an example:

For [2,1,0]

index 0, 2-1 != 0, swap 2 and 0, get [1,2,0]
index 0, 1-1 == 0, no swap, index = 1
index 1, 2-1 == 1, no swap, index = 2
index 2, 0 is not positive, no swap, index = 3 (end)

The missing number is 3
For [3,4,-1,1]

index 0, 3-1 != 0, swap 3 and 1, get [1,4,-1,3]
index 0, 1-1 == 0, no swap, index = 1
index 1, 4-1 != 1, swap 4 and 3, get [1,3,-1,4]
index 1, 3-1 != 1, swap 3 and -1, get [1,-1,3,4]
index 1, -1 is not positive, no swap, index = 2
index 2, 3-1 == 2, no swap, index = 3
index 3, 4-1 == 3, no swap, index = 4 (end)

The missing number is 2


Here is an implementation.

class Solution {
    public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {
        for(int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) {
            while(nums[i]-1 != i && nums[i] > 0
                && nums[i] < nums.length
                && nums[i] != nums[nums[i]-1]) {

                swap(nums, i, nums[i]-1);

        for(int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) {
            if(nums[i]-1 != i) return i+1;

        return nums.length+1;

    private void swap(int[] nums, int i1, int i2) {
        int t = nums[i1];
        nums[i1] = nums[i2];
        nums[i2] = t;


As everytime we swap nums[i] and nums[nums[i]-1]. We always place at least one number in the right place. So in total, we need at most n swapping. Overall the time complexity is O(n). And as it changes the numbers in the original array, the solution only needs O(1) extra space.